leap motion Basic Setup 1

Using this setup to learn the hand rotation values. Using the first detected hand values to find out Pitch, Yaw and Roll of a hand. Remember to place this to the top of the class definition:

using Leap;

then place the rest of the code in the update() function:

     Controller controller = new Controller ();

        Frame frame = controller.Frame (); // controller is a Controller object
        HandList hands = frame.Hands;
        Hand firstHand = hands [0];

        float pitch = firstHand.Direction.Pitch;
        float yaw = firstHand.Direction.Yaw;
        float roll = firstHand.PalmNormal.Roll;

        Debug.Log ("the pitch is: " + pitch);
        Debug.Log ("the yaw is: " + yaw);
        Debug.Log ("the roll is: " + yaw);